Project-Based Learning

LIFE Classrooms proudly feature Project-Based Learning over traditional linear classroom instruction. In Project-Based Learning, teachers design engaging and relevant units of study, connecting learning to children’s interests and questions and creating joyful and interactive learning communities.

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is the most inspiring, engaging, rigorous, meaningful, and effective instructional approach for young learners!  



“In two gold-standard, randomized, controlled trials of thousands of students in diverse school systems across the U.S., project-based learning significantly outperformed traditional curricula, raising academic performance across grade levels, socioeconomic subgroups, and reading ability.”   





In PBL, young children take an active role in their learning by creating an authentic project based on a question or an interest that they wonder about. In finding answers to their driving questions, our teachers help facilitate the children’s research and learning while they develop key knowledge and skills that lead them to find the answers. During this process, they become more independent, collaborative, and reflective. 



PBL empowers learners to become problem solvers, outside-the-box thinkers, plus discover fundamental lessons about themselves, about others, and the world around them.  This method reinforces learners to not be afraid to make mistakes and build trust in their own ideas and decisions. 


At the end of the Unit Study, the children present their project to an audience during a special community event called, “Exhibition of Learning”. During this time, parents, families, friends, and community members gather to celebrate our children’s learning. Through PBL, LIFE provides our learners exciting opportunities to take pride in their own work and to practice their communication and presentation skills at an early age. 


PBL is the most effective method of learning from preschool thru high school.



For two samples of excellent PBL in early childhood on Youtube, click here:

To read more about PBL in older students and high school, click here.